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4 Tips to Keep Your Blog Relevant and Fresh


Megan Totka 4 Tips to Keep Your Blog Relevant and FreshGuest post by Megan Totka


Is your business’ blog doing well?  Working hard to keep your blog relevant and BlogMouse 4 Tips to Keep Your Blog Relevant and Freshfresh?  There are ups and downs to owning a small business, and if you feel that blogging is one of the downs, you’re not alone. In the constant hustle and bustle of running your business, oftentimes implementing content marketing through your blog takes a backseat to other tasks you’d rather check off your to-do list.  However, if you want to make an impact on your audience and keep them interested, your blog needs to be regularly maintained.

About 55% of small business owners have a blog and utilize the benefits it brings their businesses.  If you don’t have a blog, you probably should start one.  You don’t have to post daily, just provide consistent content.  Here are four tips to keep your small business blog fresh and exciting:

Write within your means.

You don’t have to write a 1,000 word post every time—or ever.  Keep the posts brief and concise and post links to other blogs and events if you’d like.  By doing so, you cut down on the time spent researching.  To write a blog, you don’t have to be a professional.  Just show passion and don’t be afraid to share your knowledge and skill.  People come to your blog because you are a professional and they want to learn more about what you know so well.

See what others are blogging about.

Inspiration can come from a multitude of sources.  You don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time you write a blog.  Take a few minutes to follow and read other blogs in the industry.  What’s happening in the news?  Are there new industry developments worth discussing?  Just remember to never copy an article.

Listen to and get ideas from your customers.

Your target audience and current and potential customers all act as key players to help you collect blogging ideas.  So open your ears and listen.  What are their challenges?  Use your skills and knowledge to help lessen their areas of struggle.  This doesn’t mean go on a rampage explaining how your product is the best; that will come off as a sales pitch.  Focus on your area of expertise and talk about what is relevant to your audience instead.  Don’t forget to lend an ear to your current and potential customers wherever they may be.

Keep it business-focused.

The golden rule of business: refrain from telling any personal problems or over-sharing about family details.  Yes, feel free to mention your family; it humanizes you.  It’s important to turn your customers into friends.  But don’t delve into how difficult it is to potty train or about your lack of sleep.  Keep your blog centered on your business interests with occasional comments about your family, and let the woes of personal life remain just that.

Business blogging can seem like a daunting task, and may get pushed to the bottom of your checklist during busier times.  But remember it’s a necessity and important in your business success.  The tips we’ve shared can help you find inspiration and write blogs your audience will love.

What blogging tips have proven successful for you? Check out ways to increase your small business’ traffic by downloading “Green Light: Driving Website Traffic.”




Megan Totka is the Chief Editor for ChamberofCommerce.com. She specializes on the topic of small business tips and resources. ChamberofCommerce.com helps small businesses grow their business on the web and facilitates connectivity between local businesses and more than 7,000 Chambers of Commerce worldwide.



This post 4 Tips to Keep Your Blog Relevant and Fresh was first published on the Big Ideas Blog.

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